Brooklyn Peace Center

Brooklyn Peace Center

Brooklyn Peace Center was created to act as a catalyst for Peacebuilding, the development of constructive personal, social-cultural, and political relationships across ethnic, racial and religious identities, class and national boundaries, gender expressions and sexual orientations. It aims to resolve injustice in nonviolent and antiviolent ways and to transform the structural conditions that generate harmful conflict.

The organization needed a web presence to promote its peacebuilding mission and activities like workshops, seminars, and classes, all in a new community center in Brooklyn. The site organizes information about who they are, community events, how to get involved, and how to donate through Paypal to the cause.

The site is based on our ease-of-use model. In the back end, events can be added and information updated easily with little training or expertise. We developed the website so that as they grow, so can the website.

Visit the site at:

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